
Letter to Nevernothere about Interview with Gaia from Anna Maria (May 2009): "I`ve just watched the video with Gaia from Germany and I must say that it is for me the best of all the shows. But please, do not take these words so litterally, because all the shows on NNH are best -  I just don` t know how to put it. it is the last show I watched, fresh, spontaneous, deep, amusing and my impressions are so vivid right now and so positive that I just must tell you how much I enjoyed it.
And then it is also this strange thing happening that although all the "teachers" on the shows are talking about the same subject, yet every show gives me somenthing new, some new "hint" - the word you yourself so often use - and then I say:oh, I never thought of this, how interesting! For exempel when Gaia asked you to try to define the words "now" and "here" and suddenly the illimitation of them showed up. This is so precious for persons who need this kind of teachings more than anything else! It will be great to meet Gaia again in Chicago.
While watching I found myself laughing and nodding and feeling such a great gratitude for your huge work and such a great joy. I think I discovered NNH in December last year and I soon realized how unique your work is, because one can not only follow your developement from the begining until today but you are also taking everybody with you on this path. It is a unique video- documentation of a person`s spiritual journey, generously open to everybody. And there is something else. Although you are not the teacher but the person who is asking questions trying to discover things you are getting more and more profound in the matter so I often  find myself remembering your comments and ideas as much as those of the teacher. The image of the theacher sitting in front of you and your own person are somehow melting together. Really amazing! A huge thanks again from all my heart!" Anna Maria

"Dear Gaia, thankyou for the satsangs in our town. Actually I only wanted to have a look of what you do at satsang, but in fact I got the best talk that I ever had. At first I was a little disturbed that nobody prayed to you of your devotees, no holly disguise that I know from other satsangs, but then I saw that you weren't interested in this. You just stayed with me and showed us the true self in such a wonderful way. Thank you that I could meet you…"

"…You are a beautiful juwel, nobody has ever managed to move me from inside, to have faith, no person that says: here you can let go. Like a little child I gave you my hand today and for a little while I was flying. That is god, that is gratitude, that is grace, that is love, that is you!.."

Hello Gaia – to meet you is the best opportunity for the heart – thank you – E.

Dear Gaia, on friday i was in your satsang and discovered this: If I don’t label or name my feelings/ senses and just look what is here, NOTHING is left. The reactions in the body seem to keep on happening and some senses are noticed, but this has absolutly no meaning. To permantly be aware of this takes everything from me what I love and suffer from. Even the enjoyment is so quick that it disappears in the moment of recognition. I was/ am always so keen on SAT CIT ANANDA and even that is without any meaning in the moment of recognition. What disillusionment if that is true surrender.Many many thanks for being together from the self to the self and loving greetings, Winfried


Talking, thinking, feeling, acting, wanting, needing, my torment not to be like I think I am, having to be, ALL is the sourceEach moment, also the moment with pain, if caught in storys or in truth and silence, refusal or acceptence ALL the oneThe illness and the healer, the teacher and the student, good and bad, consciously and unconsciously, you and I, ALL the sourceHow you hold your cup and how your hand lies silently on your knee, when you speak and how you sometimes say things and my oppressment about that, when you sometimes say, ALL the unspeakableAnd when you said, really we cannot say anything, this sudden happy feeling in my heart, overflowing of love to that what is, what you are, what I am, ALL the sourceSo much luck that you give and this makes the wish to give it back a thousandtimes, every step that we make, every lifting of a finger, every look, every movement, everything what emerges results in the moment, ALL the source, ALL NOW. - - - - Goodbye beloved Gaia, a hug out of the deepth of my heart (if you like), which earlier whilst seeing you – I don’t know why – wasn’t capable. How much I wish to be as easy and natural as the others. But it is the way it is and also THAT, with all sadness that is connected to that. I thank you so much for everything, what I was allowed to experience through you (it’s a shame that words are so insufficient, but maybe, I think even so, nevertheless you feel what is inbetween…) In love Angelika

Dear Gaia, I don’t understand why your satsangs are visited by so few people. 25 people are really not much for this excellent work which you are doing. It isn’t even work, you do it so playfully and so tender from the heart… wonderful!

This time in Hannover I had the impression, that every person who sat down next to you at the front awakened and saw. Very clear! Perhaps most people don’t really want the searching to stop and that’s why they rather look for a master who gives them the promise of Enlightenment in the future. Gaia, I am so happy that you exist and I could meet you.

For me the search has stopped, außer that I am searching to be close to you, but as soon as I look to my direct knowing, you are already there – so close! You know what I mean, or.In love and thankfulness, M.

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